Saeco Royal Coffee Bar

Cheap Saeco Royal Coffee Bar Discount Review Shop

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Cheap "Saeco Royal Coffee Bar" Discount Review Shop

"Saeco Royal Coffee Bar" Overview

The Royal Coffee Bar offers everything you need to make delicious coffee bar style espresso drinks, such as cappuccinos, lattes, and americanos. The Royal features a simple control panel with easy to use buttons and an alphanumeric digital display. Simply press the coffee button and the machine automatically grinds your coffee beans and dispenses freshly brewed coffee into your cup. It will also alert you when to add beans or water, when to decalcify and even if the brew group is slightly out of place. In addition, the Royal also incorporates an exclusive automatic milk frothing system that froths milk and lightly dispenses it over a latte or cappuccino. After brewing, the machine automatically releases the coffee puck into an internal waste box. Choose between 7 grind settings, adjust the coffee to grind and brew using between 6 and 9 grams of coffee per brewing cycle, and, using the Royal Coffee Bar’s 3 programmable brewing buttons, set the machine to dispense the specific amount of coffee that meets your taste.

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